Light Weight Foam Concrete


Foam Concrete typically consists of a slurry of cement or fly ash and sand and water, although some suppliers recommend pure cement and water with the foaming agent for very lightweight mixes. This slurry is further mixed with a synthetic aerated foam in a concrete mixing plant. The foam is created using a foaming agent, mixed with water and air from a generator.

The foaming agent used must be able to produce air bubbles with a high level of stability, resistant to the physical and chemical processes of mixing. Placing and hardening.

The foamed concrete mixture may be poured or pumped into molds, or directly into structural elements. The foam enables the slurry to flow freely due to the thixotropic behavior of the foam bubbles, allowing it to be easily poured into the chosen form or mold. The viscous material requires up to 24 hours to solidify or as little as two hours if steam cured with a temperature up to 70 ‘C to accelerate the process. Depending on variables including ambient temperature and humidity. Once solidified, the formed product may be released from its mold.

Torch applied Membranes

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